

November 20, 2020 THE MMA TEAM

We were newlyweds when my husband showed me his drawing of a character he created. He wanted to write and illustrate a children’s book. I was so excited for him, and encouraged him to go for it! Write that book. Create those illustrations. My role was to be a good, supportive wife. And I was happy to be that.

We would talk about the book, his ideas, and dream together. Then life happened. We bought our first house, which happened to be a fixer upper. We still talked about it, but we were busy.

One day on my commute to work I was praying and asking God about the children’s story. I heard these words, “Just write the story”.  What? Wait a minute. That could not be what I heard. Maybe I imagined that.

 The next day on my commute while praying I heard the same phrase, “Just write the story.” This went on for several days. I told no one. I could not believe what I was hearing. The Holy Spirit spoke to me, and told me to write a children’s story. My initial reaction was “Oh no. That is not happening“. I tucked those words away because I was not a writer, and had no writing dreams.  I wasn’t even sure this was God’s will for me.

Our first baby came and life got busier.

Sure, we still dreamt about the children’s book, but there was never any free time for my husband to write or create. He was busy taking care of us, and he had gone back to school.

The dream was shelved, or so I thought. I can only describe that it was like a cloud over my head.  Every moment of every day, I could not escape the thought that I needed to do this, although I tried.

After years of avoiding what God asked me to do, I gave in. I said, “Lord, I do not know how to  write a story, let alone a children’s story. How am I going to do this?” He said, “Just write”. So I grabbed a pen and a spiral notebook.

As soon as I put pen to paper words came out. A lot of words came out. A story was forming based on my husband’s original character. I quickly realized this was going to be a chapter book, not an illustrated children’s book.

I still told absolutely no one that I was writing a book. Every time I would sit down to write, God showed up. He gave me every word, character, and idea. The entire process of hearing His voice, answering His call, and being obedient, stretched my faith in ways I didn’t think it could stretch. In order to accomplish such an overwhelming task I had to completely rely on Him.

Sometimes I did not want to write. “It’s too hard. I’m not a good enough writer. I’m not a good enough Christian. No one will read this.” Fear would grip me. Then God would pick me up, and remind me that I can do exactly what He asked of me because He is God and I am not.

It took me over seven years to write my first book, Joey Flynn’s Extraordinary Tale. I wrote during the summer months since that’s what I could commit to at the time. In the spring of 2018, my book was published. It’s really God’s book. I’m just the messenger.

God has Kingdom work for each of us to accomplish if we are willing to step out and trust Him. I pray you follow His lead in your life, and obey whatever He is asking you to do. He will carry you every step of the way.

For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:10, NIV

If you enjoyed reading Meghan’s post  and would like to read more click here 

To connect with Meghan on her: 

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To purchase your copy of Joey Flynn’s tales click HERE 

To purchase your WALK BY FAITH TEE and support the work of Feed the Hungry and A21 click here 











  • Meghan

    Nov 25, 2020

    Thank you Stephanie! I’m so glad you understand what I shared about God using me. I had no desire whatsoever to write. He gets all the glory. God bless you and your writing Stephanie.

  • Stephanie Parker McKean

    Nov 23, 2020

    Lovely story and lovely how you did not give up although giving up would have been much easier. I love your book and enjoyed reviewing it. And I so understand about God writing it using you as his instrument. He writes all mine – but so few people understand. They think it’s false humility. No, it’s the truth. So good to hear someone else say that!

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