
Gathering Generations

October 25, 2023 THE MMA TEAM

Fifteen years ago, I was driving in the early hours to get my Starbucks coffee before my family woke up. 

I was also listening to James Dobson’s Focus on The Family, which was discussing the loss of fellowship in women’s lives due to work, technology and other obligations.

Over the years his message has resonated with me as I longed for better female support whilst I raised my kids and dealt with changes which impacted my life.

Women of all ages face a plethora of transitions during their lifetime, and although you may be experiencing something different from me, (my current stage is popularly coined “The Empty Nest), the spiritual, emotional and physical challenges we face cross generational borders are the same.

During these times we can feel a range of emotions: disconnected, self-doubt, shame, loneliness, deficient skills, lack of support system, unhealthy, tired, spiritually depleted, overwhelmed, anxious, worried and the list goes on.

“May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul, and body be kept blameless at the coming of Lord JesusChrist.” 1 Thessalonians 5:23

Having had conversations with women of different ages, the issues are the same.   We are all looking for similar answers to our soul, spirit and body changes.

Each generation has something to share with the other as these elements impact our lives, be it mentorship, friendship, wisdom or insight.

“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another - and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” Hebrews 10:24

God did not intend for us to go through life alone.  He fearfully and wonderfully made each of us with unique gifts and talents.

When we are women of gathering generations, we can sow, nurture and grow one another with our gifts.

Fellowship enables us to find and give restoration by learning from each other’s experiences

It is in this messiness of life where we truly need each other. God designed us to grow together – not alone - with the goal of drawing us closer to Him.  

In caring for each other, we will be able to withstand the storm of change during each stage of our lives, be it becoming a young adult, supporting yourself, dating, marriage, divorce, loss of a loved one, empty nesting, caring for aging parents or living out your golden years.

Let us be women who do not give up gathering and supporting each other.

You can connect with Meredith on IG and her Website

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