The ministry of Godmail was given to me in a dream in 2021.
The Lord revealed that this ministry would be an invitation to really know Him as He delivered messages of love from His heart to yours.
"May I see your face" was given to me just a few months earlier, and on On April 4, 2021, I went live on Facebook to deliver the very first Godmail.
I smiled BIG and took it as confirmation when I received a comment that said "please keep sharing Godmail."
So, I've been on this amazing adventure delivering Godmail on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and TikTok having the pleasure of extending this awesome invitation to God's beautiful creation, every man, woman, boy and girl!
I'm excited to see all He has in store!
Lots of love - your Sis Tamaira💛
You can watch Tamaira’s Vlog on the MMA YouTube Channel and connect with her on IG