
Against All Odds

September 11, 2021 THE MMA TEAM

Earlier this year, I had the opportunity to visit a remote location in Montana. A springtime blizzard welcomed my arrival. High winds pushed against our truck and trailer as we traveled along a dirt road that had seen better days. Snow blew sideways across the rugged landscape and swirled around a patch of purple wildflowers.

I watched as the snowflakes fell upon their petals - the wildflower stems swayed back and forth in the high mountain winds. With every wind gust, it sounded like winter would stay forever. The storm would decimate the wildflowers in no time at all. How could they survive it?  

The storm continued to rage throughout the night. The trailer shook with every blast. We hadn't prepared for this type of weather. We had nothing to tie the trailer down. The wind increased so much that my husband moved the truck adjacent to the trailer to create a makeshift windbreak.  After that, we joined hands and prayed for protection from the elements.

The storm continued outside, but the conditions inside my heart were now much different. God's calming peace fell over me as I drifted off to sleep. I was so grateful for a merciful God who knew of my anxiety and fear at that moment and comforted me amid the raging storm.

I awoke the following day to a beautiful sunrise, warmer temperatures, and melting snow. Birds sang happy melodies from their posts. A group of wild rabbits chased each other through the open field.

The storm was over.  

I took some quiet moments to watch the wildlife and contemplate everything that had happened the night before. It was during that moment that God showed me once more that His mercies are new every morning.

My eyes caught a glimpse of purple across the field. My beautiful wildflowers had made it through the night. They'd survived the high winds that I thought would've killed them. Yet, against all odds they were still standing - defiant blooms holding out through the worst of storms because of the promise of better days ahead.

I think about those wildflowers often, and while they may seem insignificant to some, they hold a deeper meaning for me. They represent resiliency. They've shown me that even on the darkest of nights when there's no shortage of chaos from the enemy, that when we've planted our roots firmly in God's ground, we shall not be moved.

In the face of the raging storm, we, like the wildflowers, must choose to bloom in defiance. To carry on despite our challenges and grow in the face of adversity. We must stay strong in our faith - knowing that God knows every single one of us. He knows our exact circumstances and will be there to help us when we are in need. God and his son Jesus Christ watch over us and keep us in their care. Always remember Christ's promise in John 14:18 that states, "I will not leave you comfortless. I will come to you."

I testify that Jesus Christ lives and that the Son of God hears us when we reach out to Him. I will forever be indebted to Him - not only for His atoning sacrifice for my sins but also for saving my life and soul. He redeemed me from a fate worse than death. He is our Redeemer, the Prince of Peace, and our best friend. I promise that if you choose to follow Him, you will never regret it.

You can connect with Amber on IG and her Blog 

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