Please see a description of the placement options below, and then place your order using the drop down menu.

For all corporate enquiries, please email: for a list of our advertising rates.

Two sentences in the newsletter intro: In this listing you can expect a concise shout out of your product or service.

Mention in the email subject line and 1 paragraph in the newsletter intro:A good headline will determine whether or not the email gets opened or sent to the trash.  MMA has an average open rate of between 42.5% - 50.4% and according to the platform we use, the average email open rate is 21.33% across all industries.

Header placement: This placement is right after the newsletter intro and gets the most attention from subscribers. There is plenty of space to include a headline, 2 images, body copy and a call to action.

Shared placement: There are 3 placements available which are positioned mid way down the newsletter, with room for a headline, 1 image, body copy and a call to action.

The snippet or footer placement: Placed at the end of the newsletter, this listing consists of two snappy sentences and includes a call to action.

Podcast Shout out on IG & FB Stories  Attract new listeners and build your audience with a 24 hour promo on IG and FB stories.  After completion, it will be automatically moved to a permanent home in the Podcast Finder, situated in the highlights section underneath our IG profile.
