
Healing With Kindness Today

July 05, 2023 THE MMA TEAM

As a Christian, wife, mother, therapist and author, I know that Jesus is the answer to each of my problems.

My God has all knowledge, all power and unlike me, He is not restricted to being in one location at any one time.

As a licensed therapist, I sometimes feel the pressure to have all the answers to situations relating to mental health. 

I also understand that some Christians are hesitant to seek the help of mental health professionals, because  of being instructed to pray and believe God for  deliverance.  However, I want to take a moment to say that these individuals deserve grace too.

Choosing to seek counselling, coaching or reaching out to a support group may be regarded as a lack of faith, and if you can relate to this, please allow my words to liberate you from any feelings of shame.

Just like God can use medical professionals to treat an array of medical conditions, God can and does use mental health professionals to bring insight, clarity and healing to those struggling with mental and emotional health challenges!

James 1:5 in the New Living Translations reads as follows, “If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and He will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking.”

While I believe that the field of psychology does an excellent job with providing context to help me understand human behaviour, I know that God has perfect understanding of our minds. He created us!

I strongly encourage any believer who is struggling with their mental health to ask God for His specific plan for their healing journey, and then allow God to work through the resources and people that He directs you to.

You do not have to exchange your faith in God for mental health services. You can serve God AND participate in therapy.

If you'd like to learn more about me and my passion for breaking stigmas around mental illness in the Christian community, please check out my book Be Kind to Yourself First available on Amazon.

You can connect with Tiphanie on IG and FB 

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