

September 27, 2020 THE MMA TEAM

Isn’t it strange to be surrounded by many people who love and care for you, yet still feel completely, and utterly alone inside?

This was once me.

Now, I am fortunate to have grown up surrounded by a loving, close knit family. I grew up knowing about the Lord, but had no idea of the relationship I could have had with Him.

Because of this, I spent most of my teenage years constantly struggling within myself. I experienced rejection, abandonment, fear of not being good enough, pretty enough, smart enough, lovely enough. I dealt with body image misconceptions, and had this constant need to always want to be noticed in some way. I truly felt like no one could even see me, so I wore my heart on my sleeve, naive, and stubborn for a long time, making plenty of mistakes, and bad choices.

That is until one day, the Lord spoke to me and told me that He saw me, and that He's noticed me my entire life. From that moment on everything changed for me. ​I gave my life to Christ, and I have not looked back. ​

It was like I had suddenly woke up from a trance-like state, where I had been sleepwalking through life, unaware of what was actually going on around me. When I began to know Him, I quickly learned that I didn’t have to battle internal conflict alone.

I also began to understand and apply His word to my life, learning in the process that what I was suffering through then and even now ​are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.

1 Peter 5:8 says that we have an adversary, the devil, who as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour. He wages war not through flesh and blood, but in the mind of the believer, building up strongholds that make it difficult for people to receive the truth of God's written word. 

If we are bound in our minds, so are we in our bodies, our actions and our thoughts. This renders us useless to the Lord, who needs sober, vigilant, and willing vessels to carry out His will here on earth.

I am now a new creation in Christ through the blood Jesus shed on calvary. He broke every chain, and cut through every stronghold. He opened my blind eyes to the wickedness in the world, called me out of that darkness, and into His marvelous light. No longer am I bound by sin.

The Lord came in and filled all the voids. He gave me peace that surpasses all understanding, put me in a place with like-minded, saved individuals, and gave me a Pastor after His own heart, so that His word stays within me. He allowed me to experience His tender love, grace and mercy, that is renewed each day. By His stripes I am healed, and I am free. I was made to live in the light, and I will live in light of eternal life with Christ. 

There are many people out in the world who are in darkness, who are bound by the enemy, and they need help. They need the word of God. I have been called to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, because it is what sets people free, and I want others to experience this freedom.

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1 comment

  • dvqdouhueb

    Mar 27, 2021

    Muchas gracias. ?Como puedo iniciar sesion?

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