
Lunch with a view

October 05, 2022 THE MMA TEAM

For someone living with severe food allergies, straying from the norm is often not done. Living with structure, planning almost everything and keeping emergency medications and a way to call for help close by. Not trying anything new and keeping a bag full of snacks always within reach.  It’s a lifestyle change, whether you want it or not.

My goal for my summer vacation was to unplug from society and demands but to be honest, I was not quite brave enough to actually do so.  Or so I thought.

On our recent trip to Glacier National Park in Montana, my husband and I spent a lot of time unplugged. While we enjoyed the time away, we had to overcome feeling uneasy in remote areas, far from the closest hospital, and without any cell phone service. We had no choice but to be brave. It may not seem like a big deal, but for someone who had an anaphylactic reaction the night before the trip and ended up in the emergency room, we had no other option but to be prepared.

We packed allergy-friendly food and snacks. Had emergency medications easily accessible in our backpack, and we trusted that God would be with us.

Although I was a little nervous when eating, I never doubted the presence of God. How could I with the unbelievable views of the vast mountains all around me?

This was lunch with a view.

I tried
 with my finite mind to comprehend God as Creator, speaking all that was around me into being. I was in awe of HIS Majesty and the uniqueness of everything in front of me, simply left me struggling to find the right words.

In those moments it was as if God reached out His arms and said, “This is great, but Courtney I love you so much more. I’ve got you. Everything is going to be okay.”

I was reminded of a passage from Psalm.

Psalm16:8-11 NIV - I keep my eyes always on the LORD. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure, because you will not abandon me to the realm of the dead, nor will you let your faithful one see decay. You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.

I knew that God was with us and I knew that God would provide for us, so I chose to rest in His Presence.

I had to make a choice to let God calm my worries so that I could enjoy the views and wonder with all that I had. I had to be honest with God. “God, I’m scared to eat. This land is amazing. I want to be able to take it all in. Please let me know that everything is going to be okay.”

God always comes through. He always provides for us when we are scared, nervous, grieving, or doubting. God is with us in our biggest and most wonderful moments of life. Talk to him. Take it to Him. Nothing is too big or small for Him to handle.

You can connect with Courtney on IG and her website 

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