
A Testament of HIS Grace

May 29, 2021 THE MMA TEAM

Before my husband and I got married, we were like any unbelieving couple living the way of the world.

He was my lecturer, we dated, then got married, and I was heavily pregnant. It is suffice to say that we were told by a prophet of doom that our union would not last for even 7 years.

When the Lord found us, we had just lost our 9-month-old baby to the hands of cot death.

I had gone for a job interview on this fateful day and we had placed our little girl in a creche for the day. We were called and informed that she developed a coughing bout while sleeping, choked and while they rushed her to the hospital, they were unable to save her life.

It was a period of deep grief for my husband and I. We felt like the world had come to an end and things would never be the same again.

It so happened at this low point in our lives that our neighbours brought us to the Lord. The Lord ministered to us & comforted us like only He can. We also drew comfort from the truth that we would one day see our little girl again in Heaven.

It's been almost 32 years since we got married, and 30 years since we both gave our lives to Jesus. For a marriage we were told wouldn't last 7 years, you will agree that it has been multiples of that as the Lord lives!

The journey has not always been smooth but Jesus has kept us through all the ups and downs. He has not once failed or left us.

We are able to always look back and see how He has led us and continues to lead us by His precious Holy Spirit, and  we are still learning and still flourishing.

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