
A Plan and A Path Created For Me

August 18, 2021 THE MMA TEAM

Where does one begin when sharing their faith journey with the Lord with others? Well, I will tell you how mine began.

My journey started after doing two things: Surrendering to God and giving Him my “YES!”  God’s love for me showed me that His way was better than any other way and if I followed Him, my life would become more than I ever imagined!

God knows the type of life He wants me to have, and knowing that the Creator of this universe has such great plans for me, well, it’s only right that I live the life that He has for me. (Jeremiah 29:11 NKJV)

At times, giving God my YES has been the easy part, but the actual surrendering to His will can be one of the hardest things to do.

When I finally did, it meant surrendering my will, my thoughts, my actions, and my fleshly ways of life. Then, as I began to drop those things off, I started to pick up what He had waiting for me all along.

This journey hasn’t been easy, like I am sure most others on their journeys of faith would agree.

It can be filled with a lot of hurt, pain, and disappointments, but it is also filled with God’s love, revelation, excitement, testimonies, new opportunities, and adventures too!

One thing I know about God is simply what His word states in Romans 8:28 (NKJV): And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

So, as I continue this journey, God has placed me in places where I have had the opportunity to impact and inspire others, which has provided me with the opportunity to serve in jail and prison ministry.

In 2019, God gave me a vision so vivid, so amazing, so majestic, so beautiful, and so insightful that with His help,  I published my book called “The Vision: Along My Path of Everlasting Life.”  

When I think about my journey and what God has brought me through, I now understand that my life is special, and in His hands.

Nothing will ever be a surprise to God, and no matter what we may go through in life, He is always present.

We don’t ever have to be scared to go to Him, talk to Him, pray to Him, and just be us with Him! He wants that! God wants a real and intimate relationship with us.

God also showed me that He has a plan  designed specifically for each and every one of us.  He desires for us to do good, prosper, live a good life. Isn’t it amazing to know that God wants that for us?!

Just knowing that I have His peace and wisdom which I ask for daily, and allowing Him to be Lord over my life is the best journey that one can travel.

Remember, we are all created for His purpose and the purpose that God gives us will always impact someone’s life, the community, the state, the nation, or the world!

I pray that what you’ve read was a blessing to you, and as you walk the path that God has for you, you will do it knowing that the Creator of this universe has His eyes on you.

Janelle’s debut book The Vision: Along My Path of Everlasting Life is available to purchase on Amazon.

You can also connect with her on IG and her website.

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