How do you dine with the Lord? This question came to my heart while sitting in a fast-food drive-thru...I know odd, right, but as a momma of five sometimes sitting in a drive-thru line can be my only slice of quiet in a day! But the question lingered in my heart for most of the day.
Would Jesus rather I dine with Him at a quick drive-thru or at a fine dining restaurant where time seems to just slip away? What would He say about your cadence of dining with Him? A question worth pondering isn't it?
If I am honest, I have a mix of "dining" experiences with the Lord.
By far though, the times when I linger with Him and His Word over a three-course "meal," I walk away nourished and with a fullness that sustains me through the day. My soul is at ease and strengthened. I have more patience and I can see the blessings around me. My pace is slower as well as I pause to see Him in and through the day.
However, when I do the drive-thru "meal" with the Lord... where I "drive" up seeking advice, or information from Him and then speed off to the day full of busy activities and demands, I am easily caught off guard by my impatience or easily frustrated and irritated... and I catch myself asking, "Why am I having such a hard day?" I can just see Jesus on these days watching me, longing for me to sit with Him, but I can't hear Him as I am busy being my self-sufficient self.
What if our daily time with Him consistently turns to a three-course dining experience? Why not turn your reading plan into a menu!
Select a chapter of the Old Testament as your "appetizer," then take a chapter in the New Testament for your entree and then round out your dining experience with a chapter from either the book of Psalm or Proverbs as your dessert.
As you journey through, pause and soak in His truth and what He is truly trying to say to you through His Word. Block out all that is around you and lock your eyes on Him, refusing to hear nothing but what He is saying to you.
Are our hearts ready to be that still with Him? If so, let’s go! Take His hand and walk to your "table," let Him lead you to just the right spot. As you sit down to begin your "meal," slow your mind, open your heart and be fully present there with your Savior, your Bride Groom as He takes you through His Word.
“Oh Lord, help me to love you more today than I did yesterday, to walk with not ahead of you. Lord you are my guide, may I cling to You and Your ways”
Serving today...
Appetiser: Jeremiah 29:13-14 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. "I will be found by you," declares the Lord, "and will bring you back from captivity....
Entree: Matthew 26:40 "...Could you men not keep watch with me for one hour?"
Dessert: Psalm 119:97 Oh, how I love your law! I meditate on it all day long.
You can connect with Carrie on: IG and her Blog
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Sue Bialy
May 18, 2022
So beautifully written and true. Thanks for sharing your God given talent. I love you!!